Sculpture Clearance

Welcome to our collection of beloved sculptures, now being discontinued or replaced. This section showcases a variety of flawless sculptures, cleared to make room for our new range debuting this year.

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41 products

On sale
Saxophone Frog Metal Sculptures - Pangea SculpturesSaxophone Frog Metal Sculptures - Pangea Sculptures
Saxophone Frog Metal Sculptures Sale priceFrom £34.50 Regular price£69.00
On sale
Microphone Frog Metal Sculptures - Pangea SculpturesMicrophone Frog Metal Sculptures - Pangea Sculptures
Microphone Frog Metal Sculptures Sale priceFrom £34.50 Regular price£69.00
On sale
Maracas Frog Metal Sculptures - Pangea SculpturesMaracas Frog Metal Sculptures - Pangea Sculptures
Maracas Frog Metal Sculptures Sale priceFrom £34.50 Regular price£69.00
On sale
Drummer Frog Metal Sculptures - Pangea SculpturesDrummer Frog Metal Sculptures - Pangea Sculptures
Drummer Frog Metal Sculptures Sale priceFrom £49.50 Regular price£99.00
On sale
Bongos Frog Metal Sculptures - Pangea SculpturesBongos Frog Metal Sculptures - Pangea Sculptures
Bongos Frog Metal Sculptures Sale priceFrom £34.50 Regular price£69.00
On sale
Small Natural Bull - Pangea SculpturesSmall Natural Bull - Pangea Sculptures
Small Natural Bull Metal Sculptures Sale priceFrom £50.00 Regular price£99.00
On sale
Piano Frog Metal Sculptures - Pangea SculpturesPiano Frog Metal Sculptures - Pangea Sculptures
Piano Frog Metal Sculptures Sale priceFrom £49.50 Regular price£99.00
Save £49.00
Pangea Coffee Frog - Pangea SculpturesPangea Coffee Frog - Pangea Sculptures
Pangea Coffee Frog Sale price£50.00 Regular price£99.00
On sale
Swinging Frog Metal Sculptures - Pangea SculpturesSwinging Frog Metal Sculptures - Pangea Sculptures
Swinging Frog Metal Sculptures Sale priceFrom £50.00 Regular price£100.00
Save £31.00
Bunch of Flowers - Pangea SculpturesBunch of Flowers - Pangea Sculptures
Bunch of Flowers Sale price£29.00 Regular price£60.00
Full Frog Band - Pangea SculpturesFull Frog Band - Natural/Chrome - Pangea Sculptures
Full Frog Band Sale priceFrom £225.00 Regular price£450.00
Save £50.00
Beagle - Pangea Sculptures
Beagle Sale price£49.00 Regular price£99.00
Save £100.00
14" BumbleBee - Pangea Sculptures14" BumbleBee - Pangea Sculptures
14" BumbleBee Metal Sculpture Sale price£150.00 Regular price£250.00
Save £50.00
Cat - Pangea SculpturesCat - Pangea Sculptures
Cat Sale price£49.00 Regular price£99.00
Save £60.00
Dachshund - Pangea SculpturesDachshund - Pangea Sculptures
Dachshund Sale price£89.00 Regular price£149.00
Lion Metal Sculpture 1.5ft - Pangea SculpturesLion Metal Sculpture 1.5ft - Pangea Sculptures
Lion Metal Sculpture 1.5ft Sale price£99.00
On sale
2.4m Liver bird Sculpture2.4m Liver bird Sculpture
2.4m Liver bird Sculpture Sale priceFrom £997.50 Regular price£1,995.00
Save £150.00
Tennis Frog Metal Sculpture - Pangea SculpturesTennis Frog Metal Sculpture - Pangea Sculptures
Tennis Frog Metal Sculpture Sale price£150.00 Regular price£300.00